Every human being is vulnerable
Vulnerability is our fundamental fragility, that capacity that makes us touchable and affected by a myriad of things .
This is one of the most important insights that arise through understanding energy; that every human being is vulnerable. The term ‘vulnerable’ as we’re using it here means touchable – we can be touched; things move us. It recognizes a central truth about the human energy system; that our energy body is fragile and affected by a myriad of things.
This man also demonstrated some of the ways we protect our vulnerability and how some of these are healthy and some not. His actions reflect one of the greatest dilemmas this core vulnerability poses for every human being.

How much can we be open?
Can we reveal our vulnerability?
With whom and when?
How do we protect our vulnerability?
How much can we let our protections down after they’ve gone up?
The answers to these questions vary greatly by person and situation, but basically, with some notable exceptions, most of us have built protective walls within our energy field to survive. Some of these walls we take down when we feel safe; perhaps with our spouse or kids, a good friend, or maybe alone in nature. But many of these walls have become almost permanent protective layers within our energy body. Only on rare occasions do these walls come down, to then go quickly up again.
Walls are protective layers of energy within the human energy field
Conscious Vulnerability and Conscious Boundaries
Two of the most important skills you can learn through energy work are conscious vulnerability and conscious boundaries. Conscious vulnerability is the ability to drop our walls and let our selves be touched. A conscious boundary is the ability to put up a protective wall and not let things come in that shouldn’t.
Conscious vulnerability is the ability to drop our walls and let our selves be touched.
A conscious boundary is the ability to put up a protective wall and not let things come in that shouldn’t.
This is important for several reasons:
- There are things we want to be touched by. They are like energy food for our being, nurturing and enriching us. These are things like love, care, respect, as well as energies from nature, animals, etc.
- There are energies that we don’t want to come in because they are not healthy for us, things like aggression, negativity, judgment and disturbed emotions. We need to be able to “put on an energetic rain coat” at the right moments.
- We can’t experience intimacy if we are behind a wall. Two knights in armor can’t get very close. Intimacy occurs when we take off our armor, open and let someone in.
- Lastly, to be vulnerable is to be touched by life. A life lived behind walls is a very partial life. A life lived open means you are participating in the richness of That Which Is.
This man showed us a core truth about human nature – that we are all vulnerable. No matter how tough, strong or “above it all” one appears on the surface, underneath everyone is vulnerable. We are touched by everything around us.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]Every human being is vulnerable
Vulnerability is our fundamental fragility, that capacity that makes us touchable and affected by a myriad of things .
This is one of the most important insights that arise through understanding energy; that every human being is vulnerable. The term ‘vulnerable’ as we’re using it here means touchable – we can be touched; things move us. It recognizes a central truth about the human energy system; that our energy body is fragile and affected by a myriad of things.
This man also demonstrated some of the ways we protect our vulnerability and how some of these are healthy and some not. His actions reflect one of the greatest dilemmas this core vulnerability poses for every human being.

How much can we be open?
Can we reveal our vulnerability?
With whom and when?
How do we protect our vulnerability?
How much can we let our protections down after they’ve gone up?
The answers to these questions vary greatly by person and situation, but basically, with some notable exceptions, most of us have built protective walls within our energy field to survive. Some of these walls we take down when we feel safe; perhaps with our spouse or kids, a good friend, or maybe alone in nature. But many of these walls have become almost permanent protective layers within our energy body. Only on rare occasions do these walls come down, to then go quickly up again.
Walls are protective layers of energy within the human energy field
Conscious Vulnerability and Conscious Boundaries
Two of the most important skills you can learn through energy work are conscious vulnerability and conscious boundaries. Conscious vulnerability is the ability to drop our walls and let our selves be touched. A conscious boundary is the ability to put up a protective wall and not let things come in that shouldn’t.
Conscious vulnerability is the ability to drop our walls and let our selves be touched.
A conscious boundary is the ability to put up a protective wall and not let things come in that shouldn’t.
This is important for several reasons:
- There are things we want to be touched by. They are like energy food for our being, nurturing and enriching us. These are things like love, care, respect, as well as energies from nature, animals, etc.
- There are energies that we don’t want to come in because they are not healthy for us, things like aggression, negativity, judgment and disturbed emotions. We need to be able to “put on an energetic rain coat” at the right moments.
- We can’t experience intimacy if we are behind a wall. Two knights in armor can’t get very close. Intimacy occurs when we take off our armor, open and let someone in.
- Lastly, to be vulnerable is to be touched by life. A life lived behind walls is a very partial life. A life lived open means you are participating in the richness of That Which Is.
Towards the end of his stay we were surprised when he said he was eager to go back. “If I stay here any longer I’ll never be able to handle being back there. I’d rather relax only a bit so I can toughen up easily again.” His wife commented, half-jokingly and half-serious, that he can only take a safe and loving space for a short time before it gets too dangerous!