Work as a Professional EB-Coach

Work directly on the energy centers

Radiate positive energies

Change and transform energies
Course 1: Energy Psychology and the Transformation of your 7 Energy Centers
Understand the basic system of energy balancing and dive into the depths of energy psychology! Visit all of our 7 Essence Training Workshops, each focusing on an energy center, its challenges, and its potential – and transform your entire energy system.
Course 2: Seven advanced Energyfield-Dynamics
In smaller workshops, you will apply the insights and exercises gained in the modules to balance, change and transform the energy flow of the 7 energy centers in others. Not only will you help this person gain profound insights into their energy system, but your energy sensitivity will also become stronger every time you work with another person’s energy.
Prerequisites: Direct entry via the Essence Training Live Modules
Go even further to the next level and become an Energy Professional Trainer!